
We’re the first to admit that when it comes to building and promoting a software company we are total noobies. Sure, we’ve interviewed and hired loads of tech leaders and digital marketers throughout our careers as recruiters and absorbed lots of knowledge along the way, but there’s a big difference between ‘talking’ and ‘doing' - especially as it relates to growing and scaling a company.

Now, fast forward to October 2020 and we’re proud to announce the release of our first co-branded ebook ‘The Recruiter’s Guide To Text Recruiting’ in partnership with our good friends over at Crelate Talent.

Rectxt + Crelate - Table of Contents of Recruiter's Guide to Text Recruiting

We had recently launched our integration with Crelate ATS and were exploring ways that we could add value to existing Crelate customers while at the same time promoting our software. During a conversation with Colin Parker (VP Marketing)  we quickly went from idea to creation of a co-branded and co-produced ebook.  It was areally fun project to partner with Colin and his talented team (special shout out to Beth Heitkemper for their amazing design skills!) and we couldn’t be more pleased with the result.

The free guide covers useful information about text recruiting best-practices and includes real-life examples that recruiters can take away and use in their day-to-day candidate engagement activities. Click this link to access the ebook  - even if you’re not a Crelate ATS customer we highly recommend that you check it out as there’s great information in there for all recruiters. 

Ready to supercharge your text recruiting?

Sign up and start texting in minutes.


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