
Art work credit: 'Stay cool - thank you essential service workers' - Quinn Thompson, 7 years old, Vancouver, BC

While we admit that this is not the best time to be a bootstrapped startup in the HR Tech space, it doesn’t mean that we can’t help the recruitment industry to make a positive impact against COVID-19.

Being recruiters ourselves, Brad & I are feeling first-hand the impact of COVID-19 to our industry. In the space of a few weeks, we’ve witnessed hiring grinding to a halt for most industries around the world and thousands of recruiters being laid off as a result. However, the good news is that there are still a few ‘pockets’ of essential-service industries where recruiters have never been busier - and it is within these essential service industries that recruiters have never been more important.

We want to help. We know for a fact that text recruiting decreases hiring times, so we’ve created the Essential Hiring plan which gives 2 months of free Rectxt access to recruiters who are hiring roles related to essential services. We figure that giving recruiters free access to tools that can reduce time-to-hire for critical positions such as Healthcare workers and Community workers is a good way for us to play a part in the battle against this nasty virus.

Introducing the Essential Hiring plan

Recruiters who are hiring positions that are related to essential services can gain FREE access to the full Rectxt platform for 2 months. There is no long-term obligation, you can cancel anytime and you don’t require any IT support to get going. In fact, you can be texting essential service candidates within minutes of signing up.

What’s included in the plan?

-> 1000 outgoing texts

-> Unlimited inbound texts

-> Group text campaigns

-> Local texting number

-> Call forwarding (not included but only $5/hour)

-> Opt-out compliance

-> Hands-on support & faq

-> Mobile app

-> ATS Integration (as applicable)


Who qualifies?

It’s based on our approval, but if you’re hiring roles like Healthcare Workers, First Responders, Grocery Store Workers, Custodians, etc. then we want to get this tool into your hands asap (for free!).

How long does it take to set up?

Set up only takes a few minutes and doesn’t require your IT department to be involved. Simply download the Rectxt Chrome extension, login to pick your plan and new phone number, and start texting.

What happens after 2 months?

You can continue the plan ($35 per month) or you can cancel any time.

Do I need a credit card?

Yes, even though it won’t be charged you’ll still need to provide your credit card when signing up. This is because our authentication system requires legitimate credit card information to protect against spambots.

I’m interested - what’s next?

Apply through the pricing plans on our website and we’ll get you set up asap:)

Ready to supercharge your text recruiting?

Sign up and start texting in minutes.


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